Who Can Your Firm Help Through The Marriage Green Card Process?
Our firm can assist both heterosexual and same-sex couples in all 50 United States, including U.S. territories. In addition, given that U.S. Immigration Law is federal law, a client in another state or U.S. territory can also reap the benefits of our service. As a result, we have clients all across the United States.
What Stage Are Couples At, When They Typically Call On Your Firm For Help?
Couples seek our assistance at many varying stages of relationships. For example, sometimes we have couples planning on getting married call, and other times we have couples who have been married for less than two years call, and even couples who have been married for more than five years.
For Couples Who Haven’t Had An Attorney Along The Way, Is It Worth It To Hire Representation Before Moving Into The Interview Process?
Suppose you have not previously worked with an attorney throughout the process. In that case, it may be helpful to consult with one and have them review what has been submitted along the way to ensure that the interview process goes as smoothly as possible. Also, if there are any issues, the attorney can advise you on any available options that may be available. Lastly, the attorney can assist in preparation for the interview and attend the interview process if the client chooses.
What Are Some Of The Biggest Misconceptions You Find Couples Have When It Comes To The Interview Portion Of The Marriage-Based Green Card Process?
Some of the most prevalent misconceptions I encounter are that couples believe they don’t need to bring additional documents and that everything submitted in the initial application is satisfactory.
What Are Realistic Concerns They Should Have?
Realistic concerns couples should have include ensuring they have updated pictures, bills, bank statements, that they practice listening to questions being asked, and reviewing I-485 questions of inadmissibility.
Do You Think Couples Sometimes Underestimate The Marriage Immigration Interview Process?
Couples can assuredly underestimate the marriage immigration interview process without preparation and realistic expectations of how the interview process works.
For more information on Marriage Green Card Process, an initial consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (817) 532-5666 today.