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A Widely-Trusted Family Lawyer

Family Lawyer Arlington Texas

With over 15 years of experience in law, The Law Office of Andy Nguyen, PLLC can offer you the benefits of a wide range of legal services along with the personal attention that only a small law firm can provide. Our legal team is honest, approachable, and friendly while helping you find long-lasting solutions to your family law issues. If you are looking for the Best Family Law Firm in Arlington, TX, then The Law Office of Andy Nguyen, PLLC is the firm for you. We will guide you throughout your entire legal process while keeping you up-to-date along the way and making you aware of your rights every step of the way.

Call Now To Set Up A Consultation | (817) 532-5666

How Can A Family Lawyer Help You?

Family Lawyer Arlington Texas

After working in the legal system for over 15 years, The Law Office of Andy Nguyen, PLLC has acquired the experience and expertise in a wide range of topics covered in Family Law. We provide personal and competent representation in the following areas:

Divorce- If you or your spouse have discussed separating or divorcing, you should consult with an experienced Divorce Lawyer. Without legal representation, your former spouse could take advantage of your lack of knowledge. We want you to know what you are entitled to legally and will work for your best interests. We can help you decide on the right path.

Uncontested divorce- While it might seem simple to file for an uncontested divorce without a lawyer, it is beneficial for both parties to have counsel from an experienced Divorce Lawyer to ensure all paperwork is filed correctly and efficiently. If you attempt to do so without legal representation, this could prolong the divorce process.

Child custody and visitation- If you are separating or divorcing and there are children involved, a Child Custody Lawyer can help you and your former spouse create a custody and visitation agreement that is best for everyone involved.

Child and/or spousal support- A Child Support Attorney at The Law Office of Andy Nguyen, PLLC will help you negotiate the child and/or spousal support so that you can maintain the lifestyle you are accustomed to and take care of the children.

Filing modifications- Divorce filings are permanently on record, but not set in stone. As life circumstances change for one of the former spouses or their children, they might need to consult a Family Lawyer to assist them with legally modifying current child custody, visitation, child support, or spousal support agreements to better reflect new circumstances.

Call Now To Set Up A Consultation | (817) 532-5666

Family Lawyer Arlington Texas

Temporary and protective orders- If there have been issues with domestic violence, a Family Lawyer will assist you in securing protective orders.

Property division- When divorcing, dividing property, such as real estate, bank accounts, and other properties can cause tension and stress. An expert Lawyer For Separation represents your best interests in negotiating who will get which property as fairly as possible. We can also assist you in the division of any retirement accounts or small businesses.

Debt division- Just like those divorcing must face dividing their properties, they must also decide the best way to divide any debt that they have incurred during the marriage. An expert Family Lawyer can help negotiate who will be responsible for which debt as fairly as possible.

If you have been considering a divorce or revising any divorce filings, you need the assistance of an experienced Family Lawyer from the Best Family Law Firm. The Law Office of Andy Nguyen offers friendly, professional, and honest representation for all clients. If you are located in or near Arlington, TX, call (817) 532-5666 for a consultation.

Call Now To Set Up A Consultation | (817) 532-5666

Phone: (817) 532-5666 Fax: (817) 704-3287

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